Here's what I know for sure about parenting a Teenager...


The parenting strategies you've used in the past will only get you so far.


Succcessfully parenting a teenager requires making some key shifts in your approach.


The secret to success as a parent during these years is YOU! 

  • How YOU respond to conflict. 
  • The effort YOU make to stay connected. 
  • The encouragement YOU offer without judgment. 

Are you ready to make a shift and start this school year off right?


Sign up for Communication Crash-Course


In this FREE 1-HOUR Workshop,

you'll learn:


What should I expect now that my child is a tween/teenager?

Gain a deeper understand of how emotional development, self-esteem and your own childhood baggage might be impacting your relationship and your communication with your teen.

Step 1:

Take Stress Out of the Driver's Seat

Learn how stress and anxiety affect our ability to problem-solve or be rational during a conflict.

Step 2:

Set Boundaries that Stick

Learn how to balance your teen's desire for independence with boundaries that make sense.  Understand the role that healthy boundaries plan in communication and your overall relationship.

Step 3:

Fighting Fair

Learn how to embrace healthy conflict instead of avoiding it until things explode.  Tackle the little battles and bickering before they become something bigger.  

These Teen years can be Fun!


Don't believe all of the negative hype about teenagers.  Sure, they can be moody and emotional.  But they are also interesting, insightful and funny.

When you approach the teenage years with confidence, along with the right systems and strategies for healthy communication and a strong relationship, you'll be amazed and what a fun parenting season this can be!

As the parent of a teen, you might be wondering:

  • What can I expect during these next few years?
  • Will it be as miserable as what I hear online or from my friends?
  • How can my teen and I learn to communicate without all of the disrespect and conflict that is so common?
  • How can I keep my relationship with my teenager strong during this wild ride?

You are not alone. Let's find the answers together.


Hi, I'm Cheryl...

Teen Therapist, Parent Coach, Mom

I've spent the past 30 years working with teenagers -first as a middle school teacher, then as a teen therapist.  I also have 2 young adult daughters of my own, so I know first-hand how tough these years can be.

Parenting is a skill.  And unfortunately, it's a skill that not all of us had modeled for us in our own childhood.  So sometimes it feels like we're just figuring it out as we go -- throwing ideas at the wall to see what sticks. Or we slip into old patterns that don't work because it's the only thing we know.

I love supporting parents by giving you the support, skills, reassurance and tools you need to learn healthier communication skills that lead to a happier, more peaceful, more connected relationship with your teen.

I look forward to joining you on your parenting journey.
